Creating a new account

Step by step instructions to create a sqadia.com account

Adnan Malik

Last Update vor 2 Jahren

Hey! Do you want to get access to 1000´s of Medical lectures?

You can do it in minutes, Yes in a few minutes you can get registered to sqadia.com and will be able to go through 33+ medical basic and clinical courses.

Let me tell you how in few easy steps

➜ Open any browser on your Mobile or Desktop and enter sqadia.com

➜ From the Home page, click on Register Now

➜ Now Choose Your Desired Plan, 1, 6 or 12-month plan.

➜ You can also choose Free Plan and gain access to 60+ Free Lectures.

➜ After Choosing Your Desired Plan Press Continue

➜ Now Fill in your Information

  1. Email
  2. Name
  3. Title
  4. City
  5. Country
  6. Memorable Password
  7. Press Continue
  8. Now add you billing details
  9. Checkout with PayPal or Enter your Valid Card Number, its Expiry Date, and CVC

Note: Your card should be active for Online Payments otherwise it will show error or failed Transaction, simply call your bank to active your card for online transactions

➜ Get amazing discounts, Use Promo Codes from our marketing Campaigns

➜ Check the total Amount and Press Complete


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